星光宝石厂建于1900年坐落在世界闻名的妈祖故乡--福建省莆田。是中国大陆早期从事珠宝行业的制造商之一。十多年来,我们本着"创新乃发展之路"诚恳 鞭策自己,做到我们每天都在进步。在此衷心感谢社会各界热心的关怀与支援。新世纪,我们相应珠宝潮流,推出了各种最新款式的珠宝産品。目前在中国乃至全世 界珠宝市场我们均占据重要地位。,现已是生産猫眼石、闪电石、星光石、土耳其石、粉晶、金沙、东陵、黑胆石、虎眼石,花绿石,花豹石,玛瑙,松石等多种宝 石的综合性的珠宝公司。现又不断开发新産品,新技术,这两年开发的爆花水晶、琉璃、箔银等産品也在国内外市场上广受欢迎。u3M泰华网展会服务平台
现有近万平方米的厂房,三十多位从事宝石研究的师傅,以及几百名熟练的工人,是我们向社会提供 “品质最好,品种最多” 之珠宝産品的坚强后者盾。u3M泰华网展会服务平台
伴 着向光宝市厂同时城里的星星珠宝饰品公司,位于中国广州市,使我们傅卫界个新老朋友的窗口。星星珠宝热诚欢迎您的光临和赐教,同时我们也不断开拓世界珠宝 市场,并多次参加香港及泰国珠宝展览会。星星珠宝日新月异,精益求精,将産品导向尽善尽美,力求做到星星珠宝媲美自然。u3M泰华网展会服务平台
Stars Jewelry Co., is the market leader in semi-precious jewel design, production, assembly and sales in mainland China. Stars Jewelry Co.,is a subsidiary of the Huang Group in Putian, Fujian Province. The company's vision is to settle in Guangzhou and serve the global market. Our task is to provide semi-precious jewels, accessories, finished products and partially finished products to dealers all over the world and to be the biggest semi-precious jewel supplier. We have the biggest cat-eyed stone manufacturing foundation in the world and the ability to produce various semi-precious stones. We have also established a strategic relationship with different logistic companies such as UPS, DHL, FedEx, TNT etc. These relationships enable us to have a very efficient world wide supply chain. We respond to international orders within 24 hours and have established a professional sales model.
Contact Person:
Michael Wong
86 20 81399650
86 20 81710323
B425-427 Liwan Plaza Changshou Road , Guangzhou, Guangdong 510140
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