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As Voldemort grows stronger, her priorities shift and she finally meets the man she's been tracking for. Known for being one of the most powerful Dark Wizards, Gellert Grindelwald and Dumbledore were close friends as teenagers, and the pair plotted to find all the Deathly Hallows (including the Elder Wand) together. Time of Death: "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". Yet, Harry would also want to keep Sirius safe. It's not shown on-screen, but it's implied that the Death Eater Antonin Dolohov killed him in a duel. -*~ I TAKE REQUESTS ~*- please request and I will try my b Harry has a twin sister Lisa Potter, After the dreadful night of the halloween she disappeared alongside with the dark lord. Ariana Dumbledore has been stuck in her portrait for WAY too long.She's a sassy, smart-ass teenager who definitely thinks she's smarter than you. Ideas in the one-shots may or may not be turned into multi-chapter stories. Harry Potter reads Harry Potter and the philosophers stone. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. However, Dumbledore was over 100 years old, marking a life well-lived. The couple had been secretive about their relationship and pregnancy because Lupin was a werewolf. And new friends, like Hermione Granger, and Professor McGonagall, and Professor Quirrell. Lupin's tragic and difficult life as a werewolf ended just as things were starting to look up. Time of Death: "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". James Potter was a Gryffindor and best friends with Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew at Hogwarts. Here. i need to write a charlie and reg fic bc their besties ofc, Fred Weasley/Original Female Character(s), Original Muggle-born Characters (Harry Potter), Gryffindor/Ravenclaw Inter-House Relationships, Book 7: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Sirius Black/Original Female Character(s), Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Peter Pettigrew Didn't Betray James Potter and Lily Evans Potter, Draco Malfoy is Clueless About Muggle Things, Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Book 6: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Fleur Delacour and Bill Weasley's Wedding, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Mattheo Riddle (yasmineamaro)/Original Female Character(s), Lorenzo Berkshire (babynaomi)/Original Character(s), Remus is not as unlikable but he isn't exactly besties with the crew, Hermione Granger & Pansy Parkinson Friendship. In his adult life, Lupin was a leading member of the Order of the Phoenix, and he fell in love with and married fellow member Tonks. Cause of Death: While watching over the Riddle house, Frank happened to overhear Voldemort and Peter Pettigrew plotting their plans to murder Harry. He would have been brought to justice. Then there is the secrecy surrounding the Horcruxes themselves. *, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Harry Potter/Daphne Greengrass/Tracey Davis. The ghost of a Ravenclaw student from many years ago, Moaning Myrtle could be found haunting the second-floor girls' bathroom at Hogwarts. A year after the final battle of Hogwarts, Minerva McGonagall is haunted by the fake smiles her two best friends, Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape had used during their lives. Wormtails story could have looked rather different if he hadnt been able to escape at that crucial moment. An hour and a half later, the three of them are flying back into Hogwarts, all of them holding onto the big farm animals. His death would have been even sadder if Harry had known Snape was a good guy all along, but ultimately Snape picked on Harry throughout his time at Hogwarts, likely because of his difficult relationship with Harry's father. A patronus flowed through the glass as though it weren't even there. Lily's death is especially sad because we find out that her love for Harry is what ultimately saved him that night. Bellatrix murdered Sirius, Dobby, Tonks, and many others just so Voldemort could continue his pursuit for eternal life. Harry had not yet told Sirius about the fact that he had to return to Privet Drive again this summer. Although, we also believe it would have been more difficult to convince Cornelius Fudge. It's made even more tragic when Harry brings his lifeless body back to Hogwarts and we witness Amos' heart-wrenching reaction to losing his only son. This might have meant Sirius could not come along. Nira mus eli temnej budcnosti a vyrovnva sa s ete temnejou minulosou. Frank lived alone and spent his days caring for the Riddle home he was just doing his job when he happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Looking for Pottermore? Whereas the most important person in Siriuss life was Harry. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Cause of Death: During Bill and Fleur's wedding, Death Eaters infiltrated the Ministry of Magic, and Voldemort killed Scrimgeour to take control of the government. It came with the cost of countless sleepless nights, loads of whispering while walking down Chloe Cullen is the human daughter of Rosalie Hale and Emmett Cullen. Though we also reckon he would have visited Sirius rather frequently theres only so much Vernon, Petunia and Dudley that a person can take. Scrimgeour was tasked with fulfilling Dumbledore's will and gave Harry, Ron, and Hermione the items that he left them after his death. But as the days turned to weeks, weeks into months he didn . Peter faked his own death to escape and framed his supposed friend. Sirius is now faced with a difficult task: to travel through the unpredictable land of the dead and guide Harry home. Little Lily Potter (A Fred Weasley Love Story) Before I manage to tear my arm out of his grip I swear I see a hint of regret but it is gone too quickly to be sure. Needless to say, that meeting changes everything. She's seen pleading with her fellow professor, Severus Snape, to save her right before Voldemort killed her. The couple trusted only Peter Pettigrew with their whereabouts, but he betrayed their loyalty by telling the Dark Lord. READ THIS!!! Rufus Scrimgeour was briefly appointed as Minister for Magic after Cornelius Fudge's resignation. Both would be trying to protect the other, and both would find it difficult to back down. By destroying the stone, he cut himself off from the Elixir of Life, causing him and his wife to die from old age. contains: Dra. RECOMMENDED READING AGE IS 16+! His death was upsetting for the magical community because it showed how much Voldemort's power had grown. I could hear his fucking smirk in his voice. In the end, Regulus had been killed while following an honorable pursuit. Fanfiction. Sirius Black's break in of Hogwarts Castle happened on Hallowe'en 1993, while the students were attending the annual Hallowe'en feast that year. When weve finished and were lying all tangled up, he asks softly. It's a moment neither think something like this could be happening. Alongside her best friend Tonks, she must track him down to put him back in Azkaban. Aberforth is really sick of how his brother keeps manipulating the world around him. Harry, I'm sorry Sirius and I couldn't take you in as our own. The summer before her sixth year at Hogwarts, Hermione Granger comes across a pile of books that inexplicably seem to detail the life of one Harry Potter - and herself by extension. He was previously a Muggle Studies professor at the school, but he took a year-long sabbatical to travel the world in search of what was left of Voldemort (after Harry first defeated him as a baby). A single tear escaped Dumbledore's eyes. However, it was noble of Grindelwald to conceal the Elder Wand's location and sacrifice his life to prevent Voldemort from growing even stronger. Wizarding World is the new official home of Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts. But as is often the way, her concerns fell on deaf ears. A series of one-shots where Harry has fun with the ladies of the wizarding world in a variety of activities. Now that child is an orphan and will never know his parents. Even if it could alter the course of history forever. You are a Malfoy, after all.". In the chaos, Peter turned back into a rat and escaped leaving Sirius with no evidence to prove his innocence. When she eventually meets the worlds most fractured soul though, will pity and sympathy change her quest to destroy all the horcruxs? What are thesemen doing in my office?, Its just a precaution, Severus, really. What if Ginny Weasley had never possessed Tom Riddle's diary? No, Granger. Falling in love with your best friend is something Blaise can live with. Time of Death: "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2". After many years of murdering anyone in his path to get to Harry, it was a bit of a relief when Harry's spell slowly killed him. Blaise Zabini is never impressed by anyone. No es el libro exacto del canon, lo cambiar a mi gusto. But he doesn't have a chance of getting that with his Godmother, Ginny Weasley in the way.Teddy uses a powerful time turner to go back to a time where he can have his chance of getting Harry to love him. Voldemort murdered her with the Killing curse while she was protecting her son. Unfortunately, it only gets harder on him in his fifth year. Goyle tried to kill Ron by casting a Fiendfyre spell, lighting the room in an uncontrollable blaze. He does discover he has a mate, though. If there's one thing I don't want the great Draco Malfoy to see me do is cry. When seven mysterious books, plus eighteen baffled people, end up in Hogwarts' Room of Requirement there's sure to be confusion and chaos. As her friends whisk her away he feels half of himself go with her. So when he was fighting Harry for the Sorcerer's Stone, Quirrell was burned by Harry's touch and he turned to ash. All they need? Severus Snape was a Slytherin and the Potions professor at Hogwarts. How do you go from being the most sophisticated girl in school to being one of the most dangerous death eaters? El matrimonio Potter tuvo gemelos esa noche del 31 julio del 80'. Sirius finds James and Lily lying lifeless in Godric's Hollow, and goes after Pettigrew with the intention of ending his life in revenge. Do you agree with our thoughts about what would have happened if Sirius had been free? Harry freed him from his master by tricking Lucius Malfoy into offering him a sock, and after that, the pair formed an unlikely bond. Lupin was bitten by a werewolf when he was younger causing him to transform each full moon, but he found solace in his childhood friends, James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew, who accepted him and helped him during his time at Hogwarts. His grief and anger are justified, but as Harry would point out years later, James wouldn't have wanted blood on Sirius' hands. It was foiled by the Fat Lady, who refused to allow Sirius . Please consider turning it on! THIS WAS WRITTEN ABOUT A YEAR AGO WHEN MY ENGLISH WAS NOT SO GOOD AND IN THE MEANTIME GOT A few people decided to come back to Hogwarts for their 8th year. Time of Death: Prior to the start of the series, revealed in "Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows - Part 1". Please consider turning it on! "So Lilith Black is really Lilith Potter. He dropped a chandelier on the Death Eaters, which distracted them enough to Apparate himself and the others away. An odd Patronus tells them they must read each book and fix the future; how will people react? Whatever happens in the future she will have great Godparents to look out for her. Tonks started to cry. By the time he died, Voldemort's soul had been split so many times that he was hardly human anymore. Seriously I can't emphasize enough HOW MUCH of a crack fic this is. Harry approaches, quietly, arms raised in front of him. A.K.A the time travel AU where a 20 year old Sirius Black gets in on the Horcrux hunt with the Golden Trio A big thank you to my beta reader LadyLuciusAsh87 for making this series the best it could be. Hopefully, without the cabin fever and the feeling of uselessness, Sirius would have been able to regulate his emotions and may not have been quite so foolhardy. Harry is forced to juggle his upcoming inheritance of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the war against Voldemort, all whilst being the head of a large harem of witches. But Nicolette, a fift A story of The Boy Who Lived. Though as both godfather and godson are stubborn, we think that discussion would have been quite heated. It spoke only six words in Moody's voice. Sybil Trelawney, plagued with dreams of the future, manages, with her sister's help, to spell her visions into seven books. At that moment in time, Lupin had a pregnant wife waiting for him at home. Cause of Death: During the Battle of Hogwarts, Lavender falls and is attacked and killed by the werewolf Death Eater Fenrir Greyback. If everything goes as it should, Harry will be able to step back into the battle and defeat Voldemort once and for all for the sake of the Wizarding World. It was Sirius Black's first attempt to enter Gryffindor Tower and kill Peter Pettigrew, then hiding out as Ron Weasley's pet rat Scabbers, in revenge for the betrayal of James and Lily Potter. But do they actually know who it is? I scoffed as I cut into my dinner, though I had no appetite. As a result, he kept one thing hidden on his person at all times from the day Voldemort returned. -------------------------------------------OR---------------------------------------------------------Harry Potter ensemble go back in time to their parents' last year in Hogwarts, with the Harry Potter books. For his entire life, he harbored a deep love for Lily and when she was murdered by Voldemort, he promised to protect Harry and fight the Dark Lord. One hitch: no wand, no books, no resources. More in the author's notes. Youll be back here before the start of term. There would still have been a fight for the prophecy with the Death Eaters, and Voldemort would probably still have made an appearance. So, the Potters went into hiding under the protection of the Fidelius Charm. Lilys choice invoked an ancient magic which gave Harry a protection that flowed through his veins. Enjoy! He is an arrogant and privileged Pureblood wizard, who doesn't want anything to do with the Death Eaters or the Order. If she stepped aside and allowed him to kill her baby, he would let her live. Dobby was a house-elf who used to work for the Malfoy family. My tone betraying nothing but pure malice as I stare at the blonde in front of me. It stalks around him, sniffing his clothes with what Harry hopes is harmless curiosity. Molly, Minerva, and Fleur began to cry. His eyes flash golden, like Galleons fresh from the Gringotts mint. Bagshot was a very old woman who kept to herself and happened to find herself in Voldemort's crosshairs. Colin was an enthusiastic, 16-year-old Muggle-born who was just excited about his new life as a wizard at Hogwarts. "Thanks," I rolled my eyes. But the dog won't leave Harry, snatching him from the yard and dragging him to the woods.Sirius Black has been living as his animagus for years, hunting down his godson, his mate, and now that he has found him he will never let him go and plans to take full advantage of their bond and have his way with the toddler. And how will they react when they find out about betrayals, romances, fights, and, most importantly, outrageous adventures?Only time can tell as they read through the books of Harry PotterThe Boy Who Lived! She encouraged her students to understand that Muggles aren't so different from wizards, and even wrote a famed Op-Ed for the Daily Prophet defending non-pureblood wizards. Pansy was supposed to marry the richest guy in school, but what if she falls in love with the other blond in school? Inspired by: whoopsies13 Nevertheless, that is not to say that Voldemort would have not found another way to lure Harry to the Ministry. At the start of the second wizarding war, Delilah Nott and Mattheo Riddle are being trained to become the new faces of the Dark Empire. Nonetheless, we imagine he could have eventually realised the truth with a lot of cajoling. Join Abigail Nova Black, the half-blood daughter of Sirius Black as she is born into the Wizarding world. He believed that Snape was the rightful owner of the Elder Wand and the only way for Voldemort to gain ownership would be to kill him. Cause of Death: During the battle in the Department of Mysteries, the members of the Order of the Phoenix fought Voldemort and his Death Eaters to protect Harry and his friends. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. What had her memories revealed? The twins ultimately left Hogwarts early to open a joke shop in Diagon Alley. Fred Weasley and his girlfriend have proved to be inseparable from the very start. He also led a large group of Death Eaters who killed many of the main characters and fought for pureblood-wizard supremacy over Muggles. The devil twins have made her look like a fool, and she needed to get revenge. Remus Lupin is first introduced as Harry's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in the third film, but Lupin becomes a father figure to Harry. However, he walked away from Voldemort when he realized the kind of destruction he was capable of. Abigail, however, has a very big secret she is keeping from them. Tajomstvo, ktor si so sebou nesie, by toti mohlo vetko znii.Ona vak nie je jedin, kto nieo skrva. One or both of them succeed, and animal instinct kicks in. Any hope that Harry had of moving away from the Dursleys was dashed and he was set to spend many more miserable moments stuck in Privet Drive. Alongside her best friend Tonks, she must track him down to put him back in Azkaban. Death gives her a choice, move on i. And now Hyrule and her champion will never be the same. The pair were inseparable both at school and after, and they became important figures in the fight against Voldemort. At that moment, a light appeared in the window. THIS STORY DEALS WITH HOMOPHOBIA AND INCLUDES MATURE LANGUAGE SOMETIMES. Cause of Death: Fred died in an explosion outside the Room of Requirement during the Battle of Hogwarts, though only the aftermath of his death is shown on-screen in the movie. Or do you have a different view? This is Book 3 to the Hermione X Reader series, Book 2 'Love Hu A sizzling hot Draco Lucius Malfoy served in a book with an extra side of imagination. Powers. As a child, she grew up near Severus Snape, and the two became close friends in their early years at Hogwarts. I JUST WANT TO FORWARD THIS BY SAYING P L E A S E READ THE TAGS AND TAKE THEM SERIOUSLY. It starts off with her friends in the house of Gryffindor, 3rd year. After floating into the veil, it's understood that Sirius is dead. It was important that things be set right. Theo is the quiet kid in school, no one knows much about. tonks; . Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 26 - Words: 80,529 - Reviews: 1220 - Favs: 502 - Follows: 126 - Updated: Feb 6, 2003 - Published: Jan 25, 2002 - Harry P., Sirius B. Tonks was killed alongside her new husband and they both left behind a newborn son, making her death especially tragic. More importantly, if he was locked up, he wouldnt have helped Voldemort return to power and things could have looked very different indeed. Determine to change what she has seen, she gathers the original Order of the Phoenix, and a few others, to read these books aloud over the next several days, cooped up in the Hog's Head bar.