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[160] The Canyon River Fault is a major fault in itself, associated with a 40km long lineament and distinct late Holocene scarps of up to 3 meters.[161]. The Doty fault particularly seems to have gained prominence with geologists since it was associated with an aeromagnetic anomaly,[184] and a report in 2000 credited it capable of a magnitude 6.7 to 7.2 earthquake. It appears that the Seattle Uplift is acting as a rigid block, with the Tacoma, Dewatto, and Seattle faults being the southern, western, and northern faces. Other similar rock has been found at the Rimrock Lake Inlier (bottom of diagram), in the San Juan Islands, and in the Pacific Coast Complex along the West Coast Fault on the west side of Vancouver Island. The last major earthquake on the Seattle Fault occurred around 1,100 years ago, shifting the landscape in Puget Sound. A recent (2009) analysis of aeromagnetic data[159] suggests that it extends at least 35km, from the latitude of the Seattle Fault (the Hamma Hamma River) to about 6km south of Lake Cushman. Full-Time. It has been suggested that a corresponding change in the character of the SWIF may reflect a change in the direction of regional crustal strain. Nurse Information Line at VA Puget Sound health care, 800-329-8387 x4. In the map above these are represented by the pair of dotted lines at the lower right. Most of this thrust sheet consists of the Crescent Formation (corresponding to the Siletz River volcanics in Oregon and Metchosin Formation on Vancouver Island), a vast outpouring of volcanic basalt from the Eocene epoch (about 50 million years ago), with an origin variously attributed to a seamount chain, or continental margin rifting (see Siletzia). Not until 2001 was it identified as a fault zone,[12] and only in 2004 did trenching reveal Holocene activity. A Coast Range Boundary Fault (CRBF, discussed above) was inferred on the basis of differences in the basement rock to the west and east of Puget Sound (the Crescent FormationCascadia core contact), and arbitrarily mapped at various locations including Lake Washington; north of the OWL this is now generally identified, with the Southern Whidbey Island Fault. This follows the front of the Rosedale monocline, a gently southwest-tilting formation that forms the bluffs on which Tacoma is built. Energy builds up as elastic strain in rocks. Cheney also mapped the Lake Chaplain Fault, parallel and just east of the MVF, from Lake Chaplain to Granite Falls. Puget Sound Energy Maps and Records Non-Disclosure Agreement: (NDA ONLY) ko ru zh es vi hi: PSE Map Request Form and Non-Disclosure Agreement: 07/29/2022: [123] Other studies have faults extending NW or WNW from the SF towards Dabob Bay;[124] these are now recognized as part of the Dabob Bay fault zone. The apparent gap north of Riffe Lake is possibly due to obscuration by volcanic deposits of the Northcraft Formation. [133] The Tacoma fault was initially suspected of following a weak magnetic anomaly west to the Frigid Creek fault,[127] but is now believed to connect with a steep gravitational, aeromagnetic, and seismic velocity gradient that strikes north towards Green Mountain (Blue Hills uplift). It is not notably seismogenic. Though a 2012 study[149] interpreted a different variety of tomographic data as showing the Hood Canal fault, other mapping has "found no convincing evidence for the existence of this fault",[150] considers it doubtful,[151] depicted it "with low level of confidence",[152] or omits it entirely. Based on this and geophysical anomalies it was inferred that there is a major, active strike-slip fault zone running from the south end of Hood Canal, up Dabob Bay, and continuing north on land. "We. Study of surface deformation suggests possible unmapped faults near Federal Way, running between Sumner and Steilacoom, and south of Renton.[223]. The maps show slightly lower . [90], The RMFZ continues NNW past Fall City and Carnation, where strands of the RMFZ have been mapped making a gentle turn of 15 to 20 west to meet the Southern Whidbey Island Fault zone (SWIF, discussed above); the RMFZ is therefore considered to be an extension of the SWIF. It's due for another one,. [2] All this is at risk of earthquakes from three sources:[3]. The QFFDB, citing lack of consensus, ignores the eastern part. The Seattle Fault crosses east-west through Puget Sound and downtown Seattle. And like the SCF, strike-slip motion died out between 44 and 41 MA (due to plutonic intrusions). It is of interest here because the various strands of the Seattle Fault change orientation where they appear to cross the OWL,[20] and various other features, such as the Rosedale monocline and Olympia structure, and a great many local topographical features, have parallel alignments. These lineaments have been associated with possible zones of faulting in the crust and subducting plate.[212]. The Puget Sound faults under the heavily populated Puget Sound region (Puget Lowland) of Washington state form a regional complex of interrelated seismogenic (earthquake-causing) geologic faults. The Seattle Fault was first recognized as a significant seismic hazard in 1992, when a set of reports showed that about 1,100 years ago it was the scene of a major earthquake of about magnitude 7 - an event that entered Native American oral legend. [183] While the towns of Centralia and Chehalis in rural Lewis County may seem distant (about 25 miles) from Puget Sound, this is still part of the Puget Lowland, and these faults, the local geology, and the underlying tectonic basement seem to be connected with that immediately adjacent to Puget Sound. If the pattern is continued to the southwest, along cross-section A-A' in Pratt's figure 11 (and missing the mapped trace of the Doty Fault), then the next basin is at Grays Harbor (not shown here). [218] This would pose significantly greater seismic hazard than currently recognized, especially as the White River Fault is believed to connect with the Naches River Fault that extends along Highway 410 on the east side of the Cascades towards Yakima. Strawberry Point and Utsalady Point faults, "The Puget Lowland is a north-south-trending structural basin that is flanked by Mesozoic and Tertiary rocks of the Cascade Range on the east and by Eocene rocks of the Olympic Mountains on the west. [140] Recent geophysical modeling suggests that the Dewatto lineament is the expression of a blind (concealed), low-angle, east-dipping thrust fault, named the Dewatto fault. The western flank of the Seattle Uplift forms a strong gravitational, aeromagnetic, and seismic velocity gradient known as the Dewatto lineament. East of Puget Sound the basement of the Cascades province is various pre-Tertiary (older than 65 Ma) metamorphic rock. . The mapped surface traces are only 5km long, but LIDAR-derived imagery shows longer lineaments, with the traces cutting Holocene alluvial traces. On the north is the HelenaHaystack mlange (HH mlange, purple in the diagram at right), on the south the Western and Eastern mlange belts (WEMB, blue). Faults running on the Snohomish County-Skagit County line and between Port Townsend and Whidbey Island point toward Vancouver Island. At Darrington it is seen to connect with the Darrington Fault, which runs nearly south 110km to converge with the Straight Creek Fault (SCF), and then to turn near Easton to align with the OlympicWallowa Lineament; together these are known as the DarringtonDevils Mountain Fault Zone (DDMFZ). [100], However, gravity and other data suggest that near the southern tip of Whidbey Island the Crescent Formation contact may turn away from the SWIF, and may even be reentrant under north Seattle,[101] forming the northwestern side of the Seattle Basin, and possibly connecting with the recently reported "Bremerton trend" of faulting running from the southern end of Hood Canal, through Sinclair Inlet (Bremerton), and across Puget Sound. Interpretation of the eastern part of the Tacoma Fault is not entirely settled. South of the OWL a definite eastern boundary has not been found, with some indications it is indefinite. [164] Such quakes pose a serious threat to the City of Tacoma's dams at Lake Cushman,[165] located in the fault zone,[166] and to everyone downstream on the Skokomish River. Analyze Instructions: Close. It has been speculated that the OS might connect with the seismically active Saint Helens Zone (discussed below), which would imply that the OS is both locked and being stressed, raising the possibility of a major earthquake. This section of the SWIF forms the southwestern side of the Everett Basin[48] (see map), which is notably aseismic in that essentially no shallow (less than 12km deep) earthquakes have occurred there, or on the section of the SWIF adjoining it, in the first 38 years of instrumental recording. Saint Helens and Mt. [43] Just south of Victoria, British Columbia it intersects the west-striking Devils Mountain Fault (reviewed above), and either merges with it,[44] or crosses (and possibly truncates) it to connect with the Leech River Fault. Following a mega quake on the Cascadia fault, simulations show that the tiny town of La Push would get hit first by a tsunami, 10 minutes after shaking started. Kinematic analysis suggests that if shortening (compression) in the Puget Lowland is directed to the northeast (i.e., parallel to Hood Canal and the Saddle Mountain deformation zone) and thus oblique to the Dewatto lineament, it should be subject to both strike-slip and dip-slip forces, implying a fault. In 1870, as construction of the Northern Pacific began, Seattle numbered fewer than 1,200 souls. Nor does this uplift delineate any significant basin between it and the Devils Mountain Fault. PNSN staff will continue to develop this section of the web site but to find more good information now, visit these resources: These include the: Southern Whidbey Island Fault (SWIF) Seattle Fault Devils Mountain Fault Strawberry Point fault Utsalady Point fault Calawah fault Barnes Creek Here the main strand on the western edge merges with the Sultan River Fault under the Sultan River. This fault produced a large earthquake that left a geologic record of surface offsets about 1100 years ago. These mlanges may have been off-shore islands or seamounts that were caught between the Olympic terrane and the North American continent, and were pushed up (obducted) onto the latter. Review for American Constellation to U.S.A. chatuga. From the north these are (see the map at right): The Hood Canal Fault (and its possible extensions) and Saddle Mountain faults to the west are believed to form the western boundary to all this. [143] Such interconnection also suggests a capability for larger earthquakes (> M7 for the Seattle Fault); the amount of increased risk is unknown.[144]. Part of the Snohomish River Delta between Everett and Marysville could get nearly 6 feet, and Seattle's Harbor Island could be inundated with nearly 4 feet of water. An informal consortium of regional agencies has coordinated LIDAR mapping of much of the central Puget Lowland, which has led to discovery of numerous fault scarps which are then investigated by trenching (paleoseismology). In particular, to the southeast of Mount St. Helens and Mount Rainier they reflect a regional pattern of NNW oriented faulting, including the Entiat Fault in the North Cascades and the Portland Hills and related faults around Portland (see QFFDB fault map). Harold Tobin, a researcher at the University of Washington and director of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network, says the fault line that caused this disaster is similar to the faults under Puget Sound. This is the Dewatto lineament, believed to result from an east-dipping low-angle thrust fault where the western flank of the Seattle Uplift has been pushed into the northwestern corner of the Tacoma Basin. There are some interesting relationships here. Energize Eastside project is building a new substation and upgrading approximately 16 miles of existing transmission lines from Redmond to Renton. The Doty Fault/Chehalis Basin sequence follows the cross-section X-X' shown on the, The long-range mapping plan area and current status of planned mapping can be seen at, For the County's interpretation of the geological hazard and anticipated impacts of a major earthquake, see the, Interstate 5 runs nearly due north from Everett to Mount Vernon, except for a stretch southeast of Conway that parallels one of these low-amplitude folds. This ramp could be either in the lower crustal blocks, or where the thrust sheet has split and one part is being forced over the next. Most of these "faults" are actually zones of complex faulting at the boundaries between sedimentary basins (synclines, "") and crustal uplifts (anticlines, ""). The 1949, 1965, and 2001 Puget Sound earthquakes were the result of _____ fault movement within the Juan de Fuca plate. The first item on your list though is the fault of builders and nobody else. The true length of the UPF is likely twice as long, as it forms the southern margin of an aeromagnetic high that extends another 25km to the southeast. [58], Paleoseismological studies of the SWIF are scant. Nurse Recruiter at VA Puget Sound health care, 206-764-2487. San Juan Island hopping on the Puget Sound, WA. Hood Canal marks an abrupt change of physiography between the Puget Lowland and the Olympic Mountains to the west. They estimate the fault is within a few miles of the surface and was active as recently as 1,000 to 1,100 years ago. [76], The Cherry Creek fault zone (CCFZ) was discovered in 2010 while mapping the area at the north end of the Rattlesnake Mountain fault zone (RMFZ). [11] Marine seismic reflection surveys on Puget Sound where it cuts across the various faults have provided cross-sectional views of the structure of some of these faults, and an intense, wide-area combined on-shore/off-shore study in 1998 (Seismic Hazards Investigation in Puget Sound, or SHIPS)[12] resulted in a three-dimensional model of much of the subsurface geometry. It is not known to be seismic indeed, there is very little seismicity south of the Tacoma Basin as far as Chehalis[169] and not even conclusively established to be a fault. (1997) a slab of rock mainly basalts of the Crescent Formation about 20km thick is being pushed up a "master ramp" of deeper material; this forms the Seattle Uplift. Other similar lineaments (such as from Astoria to Glacier Peak) align with various topographical features and changes in fault orientation. [120] However, the Saddle Mountain fault zone is not quite reciprocally aligned,[121] trending more northerly to where it encounters westeast trending faults (including the Hamma Hamma fault zone) that appear to be a westward extension of the Seattle Fault zone. How the CRBF might run north of Seattle (specifically, north of the OWL, which Seattle straddles) is unknown, and even questioned, as there is no direct evidence of such a fault. These features suggest that the southern Puget Lowland is influenced by the deep crust and even the subducting Juan de Fuca plate, but the details and implications are not yet known. [91] The relationship between these two fault zones is not entirely clear. [78] It is projected to extend past Lake Chaplain, and perhaps to the east end of Mount Pilchuck.