John Burkett Obituary, Articles C

Moon phases visualized in real time, the past, or the future. The salary range for this role is: $13.30 - $19.10. The star system contains Proxima Centauri, the closest individual star to the Sun. It appears as a bright bunch of grapes, easily visible to the unaided eye even from light-polluted areas, and is best viewed with binoculars. Northern sky in the northern hemisphere, image: Stellarium. Draco, one of the largest constellations in the sky, winds around the bowl of the Little Dipper. The surest way to see additional Pleiades stars is to look at this cluster through binoculars or low power in a telescope. Contact Property. Arcturus is the brightest star in the constellation Botes (the Herdsman), which appears in the northeastern sky in the evening. Stephen OMeara, a dark-sky connoisseur, claims that eyes dark-adapted for 30 minutes are six times more sensitive to light than eyes dark-adapted for 15 minutes. The bright star in the V called Aldebaran depicts the Bulls Eye. Nearby Recently Sold Homes. "It's awesome to be out here," said Martha Turner with tablet in hand. And just as with a clock, the movement is slow. You can see see all of Crux from the U.S. state of Hawaii. The constellation represents Noahs Dove. Privacy & Terms, More about this and other astronomy highlights 2023. Primarily made of dust and ice, many have a tail (coma) and are thought to be remnants of the formation of the Solar System. Neptune is just 12 degrees from the Sun in the sky, so it is difficult or impossible to see it. Exclusive Venues BRAVA | Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County 1300 Biscayne Blvd. Canis Major and Canis Minor can be used to find the faint Monoceros (the Unicorn), which lies in the region between the dog constellations and Orion. The bright Auriga is high in the northwestern sky. I list the ones I hear about at the Florida Astronomy Events page. The dominant constellation figure of Cepheus (the King) a stick house can be made out near Cassiopeia on a clear, dark night. Kopczynski grew up during the space age and witnessed the landing of man on the moon, which catapulted his keen interest to "must-know" status. And you must be willing to spend time under a dark, moonless sky. Uranus can best be seen in the hours just after sunset. March Constellations In March, the stars of spring lie eastward: Look for the constellations Gemini and Cancer to spot interesting celestial features like star clusters M35 and the Beehive Cluster, and NGC 3923, an oblong elliptical galaxy with an interesting ripple pattern. Primarily made of dust and ice, many have a tail (coma) and are thought to be remnants of the formation of the Solar System. 3208 Constellation Dr. What are the other stellar objects in the "sword" besides the Orion Nebula? Ptolemy ignored this region, and Lacaille was only promoting science and technology. These changes cause this star to vary in brightness. Centaurus hosts Omega Centauri, the Milky Ways brightest and largest globular cluster, and the open clusters NGC 3766 and NGC 5460. There are 5 constellations in the sky (at this latitude) all night long every night of the year - Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Draco, Cepheus, and Cassiopeia. Known for having some of the darkest skies in Florida, take advantage of Cedar Keys quaint and isolated location with an evening under the stars. Aries sets in the northwest around 10 pm. FOR INFO ABOUT DARK SKY SITES IN FLORIDA FOR BETTER OBSERVING, GO TO THE DARK SITES PAGE There are public Astronomy events in Florida's parks, star parties and New Moon observing events with Astronomy clubs from dark sky sites, and events at observatories and planetariums. Even its two brightest (former) stars ended up being just N and H Scorpii respectively. Eastern sky from equatorial latitudes, image: Stellarium. The main figure of Orion consists of seven bright stars. It can be identified using the stars of the Sickle of Leo. Crux, the most identifiable constellation in the far southern sky, appears low above the southeastern horizon. Fri, Mar 3 at 6:31 pm Sat, Mar 4 at 6:51 am, Venus will appear very close to Jupiter on the evenings in early March. The people are so friendly and knowledgeable. If we made the horizon line straight, the geometry of objects in the sky would bedistorted. They had a telescope set on Saturn. Peacock (Alpha Pavonis), the brightest star in Pavo, is one of the bright stars selected for use in celestial navigation, but the rest of the constellation is relatively inconspicuous. The constellation of Gemini, the Twins, borders Orion on the Hunter's upper left shoulder. Mr. Badger is Project Coordinator at the Eastern Florida State College Planetarium in Cocoa. Alderamin, the brightest star in Cepheus, appears at the base of the house asterism. Venus is visible by day, but may be hard to find. Betelgeuse and Rigel are both classified as supergiant stars, having about 8 and 21 times the mass, respectively, of our Sun. Cassiopeia lies in the northwestern sky and Ursa Major is high in the northeast. The Lions mane is outlined by an asterism known as the Sickle of Leo. Time and Date AS 19952023. "(Chiefland includes) 200 acres of old pastureland and some of the darkest areas of the state. Recognized as Floridas first Dark Sky Park, its possible to see both Jupiter and Saturn from here. Known as the most amateur-friendly location for astronomy lovers, Chiefland Astronomy Village are the experts on night gazing. "It's a perfect evening to see the stars and a great way to spend an evening.". Use it to locate a planet, the Moon, or the Sun and track their movements across the sky. Theres a tiny almost unnoticeable constellation visible here in Florida. Its five brightest stars form a prominent hexagon with Elnath, the star that marks the northern horn of Taurus, the Bull. You can easily find the Big Dipper. Cetus has partly set by 10 pm. Staring up into the Florida night sky, stargazers are privy to stellar happenings that rival today's action movies with explosions millions of light-years old and moonscape craters and peaks that include such names as "The Terminator." Below Norma is the southern triangle (Triangulum Australe) which was interpreted by Lacaille as a builders level. With a mass 56.1 times that of the Sun, the hot blue O-type supergiant is a supernova candidate. Denise Sabatini, a member of the Naples-based Everglades Astronomical Society said a friend asked her to go to an astronomy course at her local community college. By continuing on our website, you consent to our use of cookies. Venus is close to the Sun and can only be seen shortly after sunset. The fainter Crater (the Cup) appears above Corvus but is not an easy target from urban areas. Venus is visible by day, but may be hard to find. Instead, themap focuses on a particular region of the sky each month where something interesting is happening. The constellation can be found within the triangle formed by Diphda, Alnair, and Ankaa, the brightest stars in Cetus, Grus, and Phoenix. It only became a popular name after the 1831 debut of Vincenzo Bellini's opera of that name. Sextans, one of the faintest constellations in the sky, appears directly east, between Leo and Hydra. Florida | Constellation Culinary Locations Florida Lush landscapes and flavorful foodthat's what Florida is all about. The two constellations will be visible in the evening sky most evenings this month. Its brightest stars, Pollux and Castor, represent the heads of the Twins. The Big Dipper appears upside down and Alkaid at the end of the Dippers handle may or may not be visible, depending on the geography. The most prominent northern spring constellations are Ursa Major, Botes, Leo, Cancer, Virgo and Hydra. Eastern sky in the northern hemisphere, image: Stellarium. Menkar, the star marking the Sea Monsters jaw, can be found using the V-shaped head of the Bull as a pointer. Perseus appears between Auriga and the northwestern horizon. Often simply called the Norma cluster, Abell 3627 may be the heart of The Great Attractor, a massive object that is pulling the Virgo Supercluster, the Hydra-Centaurus Supercluster, and our own Local Group of galaxies towards it at over 600 km per second. Neptune is just 12 degrees from the Sun in the sky, so it is difficult or impossible to see it. Near Bronson, which is about 30 miles from UFcampus. The V of the Hyades points towards Menkar. The Southern Birds Phoenix, Tucana (the Toucan), and Grus (the Crane) appear in the southwestern sky. To see more than six or seven Pleiades stars, you must have very good eyesight (or a pair of binoculars). He pointed out the Teapot of Sagittarius and various globular star clusters, signaling that a show-stopping spectacle was in the making. Often, other classic Florida vacation activities such as swimming, boating, fishing, sightseeing, entertainment, restaurants and shopping are part of the festivities, or offered nearby. Night Sky Planner. deals, and more! Star parties are another opportunity for public viewing. These two superlative objects, the greatest galaxy cluster, and perhaps the brightest star, both fall within the tiny 0.4 percentof the night sky that is Norma. But the real crowd-pleasers of the evening were "Tycho," an impact crater on the dark side of the moon, and the poles of the nearly full moon. The star has a mass 9 times that of the Sun and is 170,000 times more luminous. The asterism is also known as the Sail. Modern astronomy has found that the seventh-brightest Pleiades star Pleione is a complicated shell star that goes through numerous permutations. Southern sky from equatorial latitudes, image: Stellarium. Shrouded in the Homunculus Nebula, within the larger Carina Nebula, Eta Carinae is believed to be a binary star with a combined luminosity about 4.6 million times that of the Sun. "About four or five years ago, a local radio station held a contest around Valentine's Day asking for stories about a romantic date," she added. It can be used to find the famous Crab Nebula (Messier 1), the remnant of a historical supernova seen in 1054. Alpha Sextantis, the luminary of Sextans, has an apparent magnitude of 4.5, and other stars in the constellation are fainter than magnitude 5.0. Sky map produced using Chris MarriottsSkymapPro. Its ears lie near Rigel and its tail is near Saiph. The nebula spans an area of 7 by 5 degrees and is easily spotted near the Southern Cross. Its thought to be a reference to this stars forever chasing the Pleiades across the heavens. From the northern part of the Northern Hemisphere, the Big and Little. Free telescopes are offered at exciting events held throughout the summer for your stargazing pleasure. They marked the north end of the Rule, and were left out of Norma, now just the Carpenters Square, and the Rule was obsolete. The white bright giant star shines at magnitude -0.74 from a distance of 310 light-years. Capella, the brightest star in Auriga, is the sixth brightest star in the sky. The Grady House has two places with spectacular views of the constellation in the night sky: its balcony and the huge, beautifully landscaped backyard, complete with gardens, a koi pond, bamboo grove and a gazebo hidden away in a secluded corner. These include the Flaming Star Nebula and the Tadpole Nebula. Many of these stars shine hundreds of times more brightly than our sun. The famous variable red giant Mira appears in the Sea Monsters neck. The star and the cluster are part of the Segment of Perseus, an asterism formed by a curving line of stars that stretches between Cassiopeia and Auriga. Suwannee River Wilderness State Trail, Northwest County Road 292, Mayo, FL, USA +1 800-868-9914. Orion appears high in the northwestern sky. Plus, people with exceptional eyesight have been known to see many more stars in the cluster. Phoenix is found below Achernar, and Grus appears low above the southwestern horizon. Lynx occupies much of the space between these two constellations and Ursa Major, but its brightest stars are fainter than magnitude 3.0 and difficult to see from urban skies. Box 520 | Dublin, NH 03444. Aurigas hexagon is the most prominent feature of the Charioteer constellation. The only exception to this rule happens at far southern latitudes for example, at South Americas Tierra del Fuego where the Pleiades rise a short while after Aldebaran rises. See our February Sky Map (StarChart)! Canis Major hosts Sirius, the brightest star in Earths sky, and Canis Minor is home to Procyon, the eighth brightest star. A public rest area used by the South Florida Amateur Astronomers Association. Although we call it the Belt, this asterism (unofficial star pattern) has many names in various cultures and religions, including the yardstick, the wand, and the Three Kings (after the Christmasstory). The constellation figure of the Lion is mostly visible by 10 pm. Both are among the skys 10 brightest stars, and they have distinctly different colors. The faint constellations Crater and Sextans are difficult targets even in good conditions. While the bright Capella in the constellation Auriga stays below the horizon for most observers in the mid-southern latitudes, the other five stars appear high in the evening sky. At this time of the year, the Big Dipper appears upside down, with the handle pointing toward the horizon. The map also shows the phases of the Moon, and all solar and lunar eclipses. Visit Hunting the Hunter: Observing Orion and Hang Out with the Twins of Gemini for more about looking for the constellations Orion and Gemini this month.. The yellow supergiant/bright giant Beta Camelopardalis, the constellations brightest star, has an apparent magnitude of 4.02. These are the best constellations to start with because they are visible all year long. Its easy to imagine this misty patch of icy-blue suns as hoarfrost clinging to the dome of night. The map is accurate for any location at a so-called mid northern latitude. Nearby homes similar to 3296 Constellation Dr have recently sold between $375K to $420K at an average of $245 per square foot. Some estimate that it is more likely to have around 500,000 times the sun's luminosity and 40 times its mass, depending upon the distance to mu Normae, which is still uncertain. It hosts some of the most massive and luminous stars known in the Milky Way. Here's a helpful tip: Take Sky & Telescope's 30S planisphere with you in your travels to help you identify constellations. Pollux is part of the Winter Circle, a large asterism that dominates the northern winter sky. They are called the Pointers because they point towards the Southern Cross, an asterism commonly used to find true south. The fainter Lepus and Columba are also easily spotted, while the stars of Caelum are a more challenging target. The zodiac constellations Leo and Virgo rise in the east in the evening. To find the pair, look high in the northern sky this evening. However, the constellation contains an exceptionally bright and large open cluster, the Coma Star Cluster (Melotte 111), which is easily visible on a clear night. Privacy & Terms, More about this and other astronomy highlights 2023. The hourglass figure of Orion appears parallel to the horizon. In the ancient Mediterranean world, the day that the Pleiades cluster first appeared in the morning sky before sunrise announced the opening of the navigation season. Very close to Sun, hard or impossible to see. Fairly close to the Sun. According to computer models, at that time, Starlink satellites were involved every week in about 1,600 encounters between two spacecraft closer than 0.6 miles (1 kilometer). They are outlined by an asterism called the Sickle. Its big, bright and will look like a pot with a big handle ready to scoop something up. Thursday, 3/2/2023. If you are viewing Orion from a dark location, youll be able to see his arm rising upward from Betelgeuse. Bottom line: The Pleiades or Seven Sisters is a star cluster thats a popular target for observers in the late fall and winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Note the Big Dipper, located at the bottom of the map, directly below Polaris at 8:00 p.m. Naos, the brightest star in Puppis, is one of the most luminous stars known. Its brightest star, the white giant Alpha Sextantis, is difficult to make out even in good conditions. It lies between spectacular Scorpius and well-known Centaurus. In the southern hemisphere, Scorpio appears very high in the northern part of the sky until close to the end of September. These include the bright open clusters Messier 36, Messier 37, and Messier 38, the Flaming Star Nebula (IC 405), the Tadpole Nebula (IC 410), the Spider Nebula (IC 417), and the Fly Nebula (NGC 1931). From. An employee's pay position within the . Very close to Sun, hard or impossible to see. The parties range from an evening to weeklong events. Mars can be seen for more than 4 hours after sunset and during the late evening/early night. Far from traffic, noise, and bright lights, this gem of the Nature Coast is a nature lovers dream and one of the best places to visit if you want to avoid the tourist crowds. The hot blue star Achernar, the brightest star in Eridanus, is the ninth-brightest star in the sky. Coma Berenices also hosts the Coma Cluster of galaxies, a large cluster that contains more than 1,000 members. Up to 50% Savings | 8-Day Blue Danube River Cruise, Air & 11-Day Best of India and Dubai Guided Tour, The Knickerbocker NY | $50 Food & Beverage Credit, Air & 12-Day Vietnam & Cambodia Guided Tour, 8-Day River Cruise: Burgundy to the Camarge, 9-Day Hidden Treasures of Southern Italy Guided Tour, Air & 9-Day Golden Route of Korea Guided Tour, The Newbury Boston | $100 Food & Drink Credit, Air & 5-Nt Madinat Jumeirah Dar Al Masyaf, Dubai, Hotel Caza San Francisco w/ Grab & Go Breakfast, $100 Off by 3/10 | Air & 16-Day Italy Value Group Tour, 60% Off | Air & 9-Day Portugal Coastal Cities Tour. The bright stars of Cassiopeias W appear in the northwestern sky. The Unicorn constellation lies within the triangle formed by the three stars. 1121 Main Street | P.O. The map also shows the phases of the Moon, and all solar and lunar eclipses. The constellations that set in the west in the evening include Cetus and Eridanus. Top left of centre, the two prominent stars are Castor and Pollux in Gemini. Polaris Australis lies roughly halfway between Hadar in Centaurus and Achernar in Eridanus. The more conspicuous Pleiades cluster marks the shoulder of Taurus while the V-shaped Hyades cluster marks the Bulls Head. These stars span the midsection of the Hunter, forming a straight bright line. The asterism appears high in the southwestern sky in the evening. Ursa Major can be used to find Lynx, which lies between the Big Dipper and the Twins, and the equally faint Leo Minor, which appears between the Great Bears front legs and the Lions mane. You may need binoculars. Dates and tips on how and where to see "shooting stars" from meteor showers all over the world. The naked human eye can generally see stars that are magnitude 6 or brighter. Its head appears close to the northern horizon in the evening. Around 35 from Sirius is the second brightest star, Canopus, the Great Star of the South. Aldebaran, the brightest star in Taurus and the 14th brightest star in the sky, appears in the same line of sight as the Hyades but is not a member of the cluster. Where Betelgeuse really excels, however, is in its sheer sizeas much as 1,000 times larger than ourSun! Agnes Clerke, an astronomer and writer in the late 1800s, reported that Michael Maestlin, the mentor of Johannes Kepler, mapped out 11 Pleiades stars before the invention of the telescope. We may ultimately pay more or less than the posted range, and the range may be modified in the future. Procyon, the brightest star in Canis Minor and the eighth brightest star in the sky, appears higher above the horizon, almost directly south. The night sky tonight looks different depending on the location. Science news, great photos, sky alerts. Its stars are easily visible between Taurus and Cassiopeia on a clear night. Puppis is the largest and northernmost of the three constellations. Cetus and Aries set in the west around 10 pm and the more prominent Orion, Taurus, and Perseus are still high above the western horizon. The stars of Aurigas Hexagon can also be used to find the bright Messier clusters M36, M37, and M38. The V-shaped pattern is the Face of Taurus the Bull. How large are the planets and what is their order from the Sun? Mercury is just 12 degrees from the Sun in the sky, so it is difficult to see. His map of the southern skies in 1751-52 called it lEquerre et la Regle, the Square and Rule, butby the time he brought out his 1763 edition of the planisphere, Lacaille had Latinized and shortened the name of the constellation to Norma. It can also mean precept or standard. Apus (the Bird-of-Paradise), Chamaeleon, Pavo (the Peacock), Hydrus (the Water Snake), and Tucana (the Toucan) were created at the same time. Leo is one of the most identifiable constellations in the sky. They offer a cast of hundreds, even thousands, of stars, clusters, planets and galaxies that take center stage for a romantic evening, a family outing or an educational observance. Crux stars can be used to find the fainter Musca (the Fly), which lies near Acrux. Florida Stargazing can even lead to more than watching stars. See how far the planets are from the Sun or Earth, how bright they look, and their apparent size in the sky. "I submitted my stargazing story, telling how my husband and I used to observe the skies and listen to the wildlife. The three relatively bright stars that outline the Dogs hind legs and tail Adhara, Wezen, and Aludra form a distinctive triangle below Sirius. Lead Artists: Jason Kelly Johnson & Nataly Gattegno (Futureforms) Date: 2020 Location: University of West Florida(UWF), Pensacola, Florida. SOLD FEB 9, 2023. Head to Suwannee River Wilderness Trail for a chance to appreciate Floridas natural light show. If you waited six hoursuntil 2:00 a.m.and look at the northern sky again, the Big Dipper will have . The Sunshine State boasts astronomical societies and space observatories in Florida from Pensacola to Key West, and from the Atlantic to the Gulf. It looks exactly like the animal it represents. The giant Delta Crateris, the only star in Crater that is brighter than magnitude 4.0, shines at magnitude 3.56. Tonights sky as seen from mid-northern latitudes, image: Stellarium. Chart the stars and planets visible to the unaided eye from any location, at any time of day or night, on any date between the years 1600 to 2400 by entering your location, either via zip code, city, or latitude/longitude. It is an evolved hot blue giant star about 66,000 times more luminous than the Sun. The Head of Draco is outlined by four relatively bright stars: Eltanin, Rastaban, Grumium, and Kuma. Naos is one of the most luminous stars visible to the unaided eye. 3 Beds. Polaris, the brightest star in Ursa Minor, marks the location of the north celestial pole. The bright Menkar, the star that marks the Sea Monsters jaw, can be found by following the V of the Hyades cluster in Taurus. The triangle asterism is known as the Winter Triangle or the Great Southern Triangle. Its brightest stars Acrux, Mimosa, Gacrux, Imai, and Ginan form the Southern Cross, an asterism found on many national flags in the southern hemisphere. Let's examine the Hunter in detail. The middle star in the sword isnt a star at all, but is instead a giant cloud of glowing gas and dust known as the Orion Nebula or the Great Nebula inOrion. I was one of five winners.". Tallahassee also held a recent viewing at the Cypress Boat Landing, far from the city lights. Send questions, suggestionsor comments to, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. Star-gazers love to appreciate the skies from Sebastian Inlet, as local Astronomy Clubs often hold star parties in the area where astronomy fans gather to share their passion for the view above with each other. These are said to represent Orions sword. Expand the side bar to adjust the time and date. Try to find the darkest viewing area you can and give your eyes some time to adjust to the night sky. The primary component is about 100 times more massive than the Sun, while the secondary has a mass between 30 and 80 times that of the Sun. Polaris is also famously known as the North Star. The constellations second brightest star, Cursa, appears near Rigel at Orions foot. "A friend told me about the Miami Planetarium. The zodiac constellations Leo and Virgo easily stand out above the eastern horizon. While the constellation is not particularly conspicuous, it looks like the animal that it represents, and it lies near the bright Orion stars Rigel and Saiph. Its three brightest stars, the orange giants Alpha, Epsilon, and Iota Antliae, have apparent magnitudes of 4.25, 4,51, and 4.60. Procyon, the brightest star in Canis Minor, is the eighth brightest star in the sky. The astronomer Robert Burnham Jr. found the lost Pleaid myth prevalent in the star lore of European, African, Asian, Indonesian, Native American and Aboriginal Australian populations. These are also known as (alpha) Geminorum (Castor) and (beta) Geminorum (Pollux). The star constellations that can be seen in the night sky depend on the observer's location and season, and they change throughout the year. Need some help? While the stars of Hydra are mostly faint, the mythical monsters head can be found between Procyon and Regulus, the brightest star in Leo. The ears of the Hare lie just below Rigel and its tail below Saiph, pointing in the direction of Sirius. In the northern hemisphere, Scorpius is most visible by looking to the south during July and August around 10:00 PM. There is no brighter constellation in the night sky than Orion, the Hunter. The faint Dorado and Mensa host the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), a Milky way satellite located only 163,000 light-years away. The supergiant Mirfak, the brightest star in Perseus, is the central star in the bright Alpha Persei Cluster, another open cluster visible to the unaided eye. Regulus marks the heart and Denebola, which rises a bit later in the evening, marks the Lions tail. Crux, Musca, and Centaurus are home to the Coalsack Nebula, the most prominent dark nebula in the sky. With a generous amount of dark nights, Adams Tract River Camp is said to be the best spot on the river to see the stars. The constellations Centaurus and Crux, which dominate the night sky in the southern hemisphere, can be seen from tropical latitudes north of the equator, but are invisible to observers living north of latitudes 25N and 20N respectively. This nebula is a stellar nursery, where new stars are being born at this very minute. Clearwater High School students prepare for annual civil rights tour, Person killed after shooting outside Tampa credit union, 10 Weather: Windy Friday ahead of weekend cold front, Windy conditions ahead of chance of rain this weekend, See the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter form a triangle tonight, Hubble's 30th birthday: celebrating the iconic images of space, Doctors question WHO announcement on asymptomatic COVID patients, Coast Guard offloads $408 million in drugs at Port Everglades, Florida police organization posts a job offer for fired, disciplined officers, Florida sees five straight days of 1,000+ new coronavirus cases, Florida congressman calls for military training reform after Bradenton soldier dies in South Korea. Tucana in the southwestern sky hosts 47 Tucanae, the second brightest globular cluster in the sky, after Omega Centauri. BRAVA | Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts; Norton Museum of Art; Prez Art Museum Miami; Philip & Patricia Frost Museum of Science; The Pleiades star cluster famouslyknown as the Seven Sisters or, to some, M45 is visible from virtually every part of the globe. The Lions tail, marked by the bright Denebola, is pointing toward the horizon, and its head and mane appear higher in the sky. Change the horizon view by dragging the green square on the full-sky chart. The Turners held their tablet to the sky, turning and twisting. The constellation maps below show the sky as it appears at around 10 pm in the mid-northern, equatorial, and mid-southern latitudes. Eridanus stretches from Rigel in Orion near the celestial equator into the far southern sky. Finally, you may notice a group of three stars hanging downward below the Belt. In the southern sky before dawn on Monday, March 13, the waning, slightly gibbous moon will shine in western Scorpius near the up-down row of small white stars that form the scorpion's claws. The Belt of Orion, one of the best-known asterisms in the sky, is formed by the hot blue stars Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka. Click hereor on map below to enlarge(PDF). This month's Sky Map includes a close-up . The constellations in tonights sky host many familiar star patterns.