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Hi Barbara, The benefits will be slightly different, but it is good to go with whats right for your body. Individuals in various cultures refer to BC as healing clay, since it cleanses various parts of the body. Hi Lilu, I dont recommend either, because Im not a doctor, but I would ask your vet to be safe. It's loaded with beneficial vitamins and minerals such as copper, magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, and more. Hi Shannon, thanks for your comments and kind words! Gastric ulceration. For that reason, it acts as a magnet for positively charged toxins, bacteria, pesticides, pathogens, and healthy metals. Thank you once again, Megan, for sharing so much of your research. BC essentially seeks toxins in the body to bind with due to its chemical composition. I started by ingesting it, well, I guess, other than making toothpaste! If I may ask you two little questions that would be great, Youve mentioned about supplements and I was told that: Dont bother taking any vitamins, because the clay will absorb all the goodness out fo them. How and why bentonite montmorillonite clay works to clean and detox the gut and improve bowel function. Related: Baby Powder Asbestos Dangers: Should You Worry? Redmond Clay works inside the stomach to bind itself to harmful toxins. On top of killing these types of infections and viruses, bentonite clay benefits your immune system by keeping the gut wall strong. Are You At Risk Of Developing Gut Disease? First choice, though, is a great quality calcium bentonite clay. 4.3 . Bentonite clay absorbs that waste, relieving the bodys toxic burden. I think we should detox one organ per time right? But when I read the concerns voiced, I think its important to consider each point to be sure, of course! Thank you a million for this post! xo! A clay paste is applied on the face and armpits; clay is dissolved in full body baths and for detox foot baths. The rate at which it exits is not its benefit; its just a characteristic. But the person who shared about was having her husband who had cancer drink the clay daily. I hope your new regime is going well! sign up to receive recipes & Then spit out the clay and rinse your mouth with clean water. Mixed with water in a thin paste, its very effective with zits, acne and other skin problems, and small wounds. Both types of bentonites contain a percentage of other minerals, as well as sand and silt that is filtered out. About Redmond ClayRedmond Clay is an old "Home Remedy" that generations of people have used for a variety of ailments. Heres my distributor link (I became a distributor because so many of my clients were using it, and I love it so much): If you decide to purchase: Youll need to click the Shop Now button. , Hello, i would like your thoughts on drinking calcium bentonite clay. Skin disorders Bentonite clay has been used for many skin complaints ranging from acne to skin cancers. It is safe for pet consumption within your own home and can alleviate pets nausea and vomiting in the same way. Constipation is also my tendency. Too much could potentially result in bentonite clay side effects including disruption of normal digestion and problems with absorption of vital nutrients. Your privacy is important to us. Does it contain Kalium? It has an alkalizing effect on the body and when taken correctly, it can help balance gut bacteria. It can be a long process but its encouraging when we find tools that help us actually feel better! Because it acts as a natural cleanser and bacteria-killer, BC can help to remove odors from various surfaces (and your body!). As a baby powder alternative, apply a small amount of the clay directly to the skin and allow it to sit for several minutes before wiping/rinsing it away. You have to buy through a distributor, so I became one for my clients. (Find Sonnes Bentonite Clay here. While bentonite clay will firm up loose stools, it will likely not cause constipation unless there is old fecal matter in the colon and not enough water is consumed (source). A lab study conducted in 2016 discovered that bentonite clay stopped the growth of cancer cell line U251, a human cancer cell found in a central nervous cancer calledglioblastoma. Bentonite clay can be very useful to fight against this pathology. Then condition and style as you normally would. I was blown away by the health changes she shared that happened from consuming it. The liver plays a central role in gut health issues, more than medical communities know. I was also wondering how long itll take to feel the positive effects. I can actually feel the sensation of new energy inside me and a happy stomach when I take sodium bentonite clay; so although calcium may be superior, its important to note that any well-sourced bentonite clay has the potential to offer great health benefits. Stomach ulcers ; Antibiotic-resistant infections ; Infection of other tissues by gut . The clay is feed at the rate of . When consumed, bentonite clay and the toxins it binds to move through the intestines. So glad and happy to help. Thankfully nothing serious was found, but I have been concerned that all of the contrast and nuclear injections and radiation exposure was causing harm. changing the medicines you take, if possible. Hi Megan! Many thanks, Yes, I recommend this green clay: I also use this one, which is a bulk product but works great and lasts a super long time: I feel that the clay, whichever one it is, will counter-act with the probiotic and the other products. Oh Christy, Im SO sorry!! I am having this problem too. Very interesting! But in a very few patients, psyllium husk actually has the opposite effect; it can cause blockage or constipation. It crosses the blood brain barrier so could be a good choice for gadolinium. I was thinking 6 weeks on 4 weeks off. I have been doing research for awhile and the main cause of UTI is actually parasites. Redmond Clay - more info available here. Most sources recommend bentonite clay on its own, at least to start, which I found to work well. (Not sure what the cause is yet.) horse, mix 2 heaping tablespoon (approx. Intolerance to fatty foods. As a Mineral Supplement Bentonite clay is a green-colored clay and is rich in minerals. Thank you! Any other concerns about ingesting bentonite clay. Hi! Much of the immune system actually lives inside of the gut microbiome, and when the gut wall is compromised, toxins are better able to leach into the bloodstream and cause serious problems. But we can detox them. can it be exposed to the sun? . It may not slow but rather thicken your bowels. What an interesting ingredient to learn ! What is bentonite clay? For almost 10 years I have been dealing with an autoimmune condition (Hashimotos) that I beIieve is being driven by underlying gut infection/bacterial imbalance (I had a stool test done which showed pathogenic bacteria and insufficient beneficial bacteria, even though Ive taken probiotics for years). So far, this effect has only been observed in animals, but may also apply in human subjects. For the best results, do not not take bentonite within an hour of food. I was a bit scared too to drink more than a sip at first, but Ill try more next time! And I also take meds with my breakfast. By ignorance after drinking clay 2 times per day, during 2 weeks, I decided to put the bentonite myself and my daughter for a couple of days on every body organ. Clay baths help to keep your body cleansed by pulling toxins through the pores. Hi Megan, Thank you for sharing this information. More research is still needed on the topic, but results of studies so far appear to be promising in terms of how the clay can be used as a treatment for these gut-relatedillnesses. Too much sebum can lead to acne. Thanks to its ability to neutralize bacteria in the gut and kill viruses, BC helps to alleviate many digestive problems. Clay more often and regularly is recommended over abandoning the practice (source). Im including here a link to my article about IC, which may be helpful: A lot of my clients are now taking nano-particle zeolite, too, because it restores gut function throughout the alimentary canal, including the bladder, detoxes the whole body (including the brain) and is gentle. A company called Sonnes removes the impurities from bentonite clay (dirt, mica and impurities) so the active ingredient, montmorillonite, is more concentrated. Most toxins and heavy metals have positively charged molecules. They often,,,,,, It has an innate electromagnetic negative charge, hearkening back to its volcanic origins. Thanks a lot in advance. Or is there somehow I can take this safely? Blessings and best! I recommend you find a great functional doctor. It doesnt go bad, and revitalizes when exposed to air. You might find the information on this website: Sorry I cant help more. Its quite possible. . food-safe, bulk bentonite clay supplement, intended for internal use. Would it be okay to take the clay together with the colostrum and glutamine, or should they ideally be taken separately? It can help to remove these substances from the surface of the skin and within pores, helping to reduce breakouts. Great ChihYu! This allows the intestines and colon to absorb more dietary nutrition! I think you save money if you put yourself on autoship, but youll see its expensive, so whatever works best for you. . Most people recommend taking 1 tablespoon of the clay diluted in a full glass of water once a day, for four days or so. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to, Truly one of the best and easiest dinners, 90-Second Keto White Bread makes one small, Tom Kha Gai is that Thai soup everyone loves and a, I mean it when I say this the best AIP Stuffing re. Thank you . Been having some serious gut/stomach pain and gas buildup. hi!! A clay bath should last ideally 15-20 minutes in extremely hot water and longer in less hot water. I have taken charcoal tablets before but not clay in liquid. Geologically, Redmond Clay is volcanic ash that was deposited in sea For zits apply at bedtime being careful to not touch while still wet. At 15 minutes after ingesting, I was startled to feel sudden energy Im starved for. Thanks. Just overnight can be kept on the counter and at room temperature. Combine about cup bentonite clay with 6 tablespoons apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon. If your doctor thinks you have a high risk for developing peptic ulcers caused by taking NSAIDs, your doctor may recommend changes to lower your risk, such as. Thanks! Because the product is supposed to help with gastric ulcer prevention and help move toxins out of the hindgut, does this mean that other supplements, like probiotics and hoof-growth enhancers, are flushed from the system, too? So far he's done very well on it and if it's working or not, he seems much better. I realize its a vleanse but thought after 10 days things would clear. On a related note, one of the MOST important steps in my healing process is practicing grounding, or earthing. Can anybody tell me if I should store my mason jar with green clay water in it; in the fridge or on the counter? Reddy agrees that "a balanced diet with fruits and vegetables helps prevent stomach ulcers.". Thanks for reminding me about how awesome it is. This allows cells to take in more oxygen! I also am sweating out toxins in my far infrared sauna dome every night hoping this will help too. Keep in touch and best wishes!! Do not pick it off when dry. Although it is unlikely to interfere with natural supplements, take bentonite clay 30-60 minutes away from or at a separate time from supplements. When bentonite passes through the intestines, the clay molecules absorb the toxin molecules and expels them on the way out. The participants, overall, also saw improvement in total cholesterol. 8. Green clay helps to heal the horse's ulcers. But I am wondering if it will help them at this point even though it is now 11 days since they have been exposed. So, can you tell me when a better time would be to take this? Bentonite clay normally comes in a gray or cream color, not a bright white color, which can indicate that it may have gone bad. I have made masks and had detox baths with bentonite clay, but I learned something new today! He has written a book which I am unable to find unfortunately. Beyond that, in the fridge and in the dark is best. This keeps the charge of BC from reacting with the metal of the bowl/spoon, which will change its effects. Our diet should be free of processed foods and sugar. To date, no controlled, human studies exist to reflect this benefit. I know the essential oil ingestion is not safe-but if I make some paste w/out it? Also, does it need to be refrigerated after hydrating the dry clay? are clickable links to medically peer-reviewed studies. Redmond Clay's origins are as old as the practice of putting a mud poultice on a bee sting. One of the problem for which bentonite clay is recommended is digestive issues such as stomach ulcers and intestinal detox. Somebentonite clay products contains trace amounts of lead and other heavy metals and may not be appropriate for consumption, especially by by children and pregnant women.