THAIFEX-世界食品展!是亚洲最具影响力的食品饮料展会,展会同期还将举办World of Seafood(水产展)、World of FoodService(食品服务展)、World of Coffee & Tea(咖啡及茶类展)等三大展会HFj泰国展会服务平台
在2015年5月,确定参展企业之间的市场机会来自30多个国家,4000多家相关企业参展,而35000名专业观众将 挤满了会场。HFj泰国展会服务平台
IMPACT会展中心 1,2,3HFj泰国展会服务平台
联系电话:+65 6500 6700传真:+65 6294 8403HFj泰国展会服务平台
View onlineForward to a friendLess than 3 months to THAIFEX-World of
Food Asia! The 12th edition of THAIFEX-World of Food Asia will be
held from 20 -24 May 2015 at the IMPACT Exhibition & Convention
Center, Bangkok, Thailand. The largest scale so far, it will cover 4
halls over 70,000 sqm of exhibition ground.
A warm welcome awaits you at this buzzing event, where you will
network with thousands of industry professionals and people
passionate about driving the market forward. The World Comes to
BangkokAre you running the same race as 1,500 other exhibitors?
In May 2015, identify your market opportunities amongst exhibitors
from more than 30 countries, while 35,000 trade visitors will
throng the fairground.
Expect country groups from China, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia,
Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam; and
new entrants from Germany and Mexico. A wider range of products
from Australia, Brazil, Germany, Iran, Mexico, Ukraine, U.A.E, and
U.S.A will be flown in as well.
A concurrent growth in World of Seafood widens the cast, as we
introduce the new group from Turkey, while returning groups from
China, Korea and Taiwan offer a varied range of seafood products.
We welcome Turkey, one of the fastest growing economies in the
world, as our Partner Country at THAIFEX-World of Food Asia 2015.
Organized by Central Anatolian Exporters Union (OAiB), the extensive
product range will include Confectionery, Wheat Flour, Pasta, Jams
and Sauces as well as Beef Products. Growing with Demand70,000 sqm -
What can you expect to see at 2015 THAIFEX-World of Food Asia?
• Total Expansion of World of Food Service and World of Coffee
& Tea
• An action-packed FoodService Content Hub
• A complete Coffee Experience with seminars and Live Demos Be
a part of THAIFEX-World of Food Asia Now!Contact us to book your
exhibition space today
Space Application Form
Venue Map March 2015Top Downloads • 2015 Venue Map
• 2015 Show Brochure
• 2015 Application Form
• 2015 Fact & FiguresFacts & FiguresTHAIFEX-World of Food Asia
20 - 24 May 2015
IMPACT Exhibition and Convention Center
Challenger Hall 1,2,3
IMPACT Forum Exhibition Hall 9
Bangkok, Thailand
www.worldoffoodasia.comPresentsOrganizersRelated EventsMedia
PartnersIf you do not wish to receive information about this event
in the future, please click here.
Koelnmesse Pte Ltd. 152 Beach Road #25-05 Gateway East Singapore
Tel: +65 6500 6700 Fax: +65 6294 8403