第54屆曼谷國際珠寶展即將於2014年9月9~13日在曼谷Impact 會展中心盛大舉行,共有超過35個國家和地區的1,500家珠寶供應商參展,攤位總計3,500個,預計將吸引來自全球各地數以萬計的買家參與這場盛會。 每年於2月、9月舉辦的曼谷國際珠寶展,不但是亞洲第二大,也是世界第五大的珠寶市場交易展。K2q泰国展会服务平台
泰國是有色寶石最重要的製造地與集散中心,世 界80%以上的紅藍寶石由泰國生產加工,並出口到世界各地,2013年泰國珠寶及首飾的出口總值超過100億美元,因此泰國又被稱為「珠寶王國」。泰國政 府宣布,在曼谷珠寶展期間,現場交易的進口寶石和珠寶產品,可獲得20% 的關稅減免,唯只有得到TGJTA認可的參展商才能享有該項優惠。此外,常規7%的消費稅仍適用於所有的參展廠商。K2q泰国展会服务平台
第1屆曼谷珠寶展於1983年舉行,當時展期3天,每年舉行一次。第四屆展期改為5天,從此就固定下來。1993年第10屆曼谷珠寶展,改為每年舉 辦2次。今年2月舉行的第53屆曼谷國際珠寶展,共有來自130個國家、超過3萬的訪客參與盛會,包括來自杜拜、俄羅斯、中國、巴林、加拿大的買家,場內 交易額超過15億泰銖。K2q泰国展会服务平台
展覽檔期: 2014/9/9 - 2014/9/13K2q泰国展会服务平台
展覽地點:泰國曼谷Impact 會展中心 K2q泰国展会服务平台
主辦單位: 泰國國際貿易推廣局、泰國珠寶商業同業公會K2q泰国展会服务平台
交通方式: 大會提供會場至指定飯店免費交通車 K2q泰国展会服务平台
Thai Government Lifts Import DUTY on Gems and Jewelry
at Upcoming 54th Bangkok Gems & jEWELRY FAIR
Sellers cut 20% on import costs as buyers save 20% on purchases
BANGKOK, THAILAND -- The Thai government announced the lift of 20% tax on imported gems and jewellery products to be sold at the 54th Bangkok Gems and Jewelry Fair (BGJF54) this coming September.
Foreign exhibitors will be allowed to bring in and sell gems and jewellery from other countries duty-free, while local exhibitors can reduce their selling prices after cutting down on imported parts and products’ costs. Thus, both local and foreign buyers at the fair can take advantage of 20% savings, giving them additional purchasing power at the Fair.
“We are privileged to have the government working alongside us so directly,” says Somchai Phornchindarak, President of the Thai Gem and Jewelry Traders Association (TGJTA) and Chairman of the Gems, Jewelry and Precious Metal Confederation of Thailand. He said the government decision came at the heels of TGJTA’s strong advocacy for a concessional duty rate of 0%, and they are happy to see their requests granted.
“The government has been with us every step of the way, helping to promote exports as well as developing overseas markets via trade fairs, road shows and exceptional exhibitions. All these changes predict a gleaming future for all,” added Phornchindarak.
The concession is considered as a temporary grace period (15 days before/ after the BGJF54) for everyone attending and participating in the BGJF54. Products to be covered by the measure are pearls, precious stones and metals, imitation jewelry and coins – all categories that fall under the International Trade Commission (ITC)’s Harmonized System Code, Chapter 71.
Suttipong Damrongsakul, Chief Executive Officer of the BGJF Organizing Committee, said the move would significantly propel Thailand to become the “golden gateway to the gems and jewelry industry of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) -- a region burgeoning with a 600 million population.”
The import duty-free incentive can only be availed of at the BGJF54 though, by exhibitors endorsed by TGJTA. Sellers who are not endorsed would still have to pay the standard 20% import tax. Moreover, the regular 7% Value Added Tax still applies to all exhibitors, local and foreign.
The BJGF54, scheduled this September 9 to 13 at Bangkok’s IMPACT Exhibition and Convention Center, is expected to draw tens of thousands of buyers from all around the world. Last February, the 51st fair received over 30,000 visitors from more than 130 countries, including buyers from Dubai, Russia, China, Bahrain, Brazil and Canada. The bi-annual event is regarded as the world’s fifth and Asia’s second largest trade show in the gems and jewelry market. The fair boasts of gross export revenues exceeding Bt400,000 Million or US $12.8 Billion.
Phornchindarak said the strength of the industry is built on such solid foundations as “excellent designs, reputed quality, premier craftsmanship and state-of-the-art technology. These qualities, along with best possible support services, have seamlessly propelled our industry, all despite rocky economic conditions worldwide since 2007.”
Another tax-free initiative the BGJF is offering is the Zero VAT Pavilion, where buyers are exempted from paying the 7% value-added tax imposed on rough gems and raw materials imported into Thailand for manufacturing. It’s a government-backed policy that aims to strengthen the country’s position as the “World’s Gems and Jewellery Hub” and the largest manufacturing centre for such products in the entire globe. Damrongsakul says the Zero VAT Pavilion will surely entice those looking for excellent bargains.
Aside from the tax cuts, TGJTA says it will initiate a variety of new features that will enhance trade activities like seminars, contests, trend updates, and special offers.
At the 51st fair last February, BGJF introduced the Business Matching Service –a scheme that helps foreign buyers identify, locate and communicate with exhibitors long before the fair actually begins. After registration, customers are assisted by staff members of the Fair to view suppliers’ profiles, see their latest products, and select those whom they wish to meet. The service is free of charge, conducted online, and done in the comfort and privacy of buyers’ offices or homes. In return, sellers are able to study the buyers’ specifications and prepare customized sales pitches well ahead of time.
“The service is immensely popular as it gives buyers the ability to both swiftly and accurately locate very specific suppliers in an amazingly fast and convenient way,” says Damrongsakul.
Additional privileges that the Matching Service offers to is the chance for buyers to meet and sit with sellers, by appointment, in a private, comfortable room with special VIP service.
According to TGJTA, hundreds of buyers from the previous fair availed of the service and were highly satisfied with it. Around $30,000 to $2million worth of gems and jewelry were purchased using that method alone.
At least 1,500 gem and jewellery suppliers participated in the 51st fair last February. Organizers say they’re putting up an additional 3,500 booths this year, expecting a significant rise not only in the number of exhibitors, but also in the number of booths the sellers will be renting. They say commercial space is running out fast, so exhibitors are urged to register right away.
Now running on its 30th year, BGJF54 will be held at the IMPACT’s famous Challenger Hall, Asia’s largest column-free, ground-level exhibition facility. Shuttle service will be available to and from Bangkok’s 5-star hotels to give added convenience to buyers and sellers alike.