力士达珠宝是一家以经营人造宝石,为客户提供整个产业链服务的珠宝生产供应商。公司为全球60多个国家和地区的珠宝运营商提供优质的人造宝石与金银饰品, 让全球用户能够直接从人造宝石的源头,得到质量最好、最具竞争力、性价比最高的人造宝石以及金银饰品。成立于2010年,总部设在中国广西梧州。rKQ泰国展会服务平台
力士达珠宝拥有宝石饰品行业最完整的质量检测团队和客户服务团队,通过对整个产业链的良好管理,对原材料的控制、生产环节的层层把关、质量检测的严格要求 和客户服务的用心体贴,灵活满足全球不同运营商的不同需求以及对快速创新的追求。近100名质量检测人员专注于产品质量的控制。rKQ泰国展会服务平台
力士达珠宝在梧州、广州、泰国设有分公司以及办事处,将依托分布于全球的客户发展更多国家的分支机构,凭借不断增强的创新能力、突出的灵活定制能力、日趋 完善的交付能力赢得全球客户的信任与合作。力士达珠宝的人造宝石已全面服务于全球宝石首饰市场的各大运营商,产品的性价比增速强劲,金银饰品也迅速的进入 市场,占有一定的市场份额。2012年,力士达珠宝实现全年营业收入人民币2328万元,同比增长23.39%,增速位居行业前十。其中,国际市场实现营 收1552万元人民币,占整体营收54.21%,同比增长24%。rKQ泰国展会服务平台
力士达珠宝为广西宝石网商会、广西网商会、广东省金银首饰商会、深圳网商会组织成员,坚持在全球范围内贯彻可持续发展理念,实现社会、环境及利益相关者的 和谐共生。我们运用良好的产业链管理帮助不同地区的人们创造就业环境和精神文化建设;我们将“创新、合作、感恩”理念贯穿到整个研发、生产、客户服务等产 品生命周期中,为实现全球性的珠宝多产业发展不懈努力。我们还在全球范围内开展社区公益和救助行动,参加了雅安地震、希望小学援助等公益事业。rKQ泰国展会服务平台
Luster Jewelry Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of synthetic gemstones and supplier for the whole jewelry industry service. We provide high-quality synthetic gemstones, gold and silver jewelry accessories for jewelry operators from more than 60 countries and industries, which enables global customers to get synthetic gemstones, gold and silver jewelry accessories of the best quality, of the most competition and of the best price-cost ratio. The company was set up in 2010 with headquarter in Wuzhou, Guangxi, China.
We have professional QC group and customer service team.QC workers focus on selecting rough material, checking production process and guaranteeing product quality. With sincerity and enthusiasm, customer-service workers provide quick pre-sales and after-sales services to satisfy different requirements from customers. According to the good management, we can not only get rapid response on customers’ demand, but also improve our innovative ability.
After years of development, we now have branches in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hongkong and Thailand. Since our customers coming from worldwide, we plan to set up more branch offices to improve our flexible customization and delivery capability to win more trust and cooperation from customers. Besides, we have held certain market share and our product have been spared in global jewelry market. At the same time, the cost performance is becoming advantageous gradually. In 2012, our annual revenue was up to CNY23.28 million rose 23.39% from a year earlier. And International sales reached CNY15.52 million, accounting for 54.21% of the annual revenue, up 24% from a year earlier. At that time, we ranked into the top ten in the local industry.
As the member of Guangxi Gem Network Association, Guangxi Network Association, Guangdong Gold & Silver Jewelry Association and Shenzhen Network Association, we insist on carrying out the strategy of sustainable development to achieve harmonious intergrowth of society, environment and interests. In order to reach this goal, we not only apply good chain management into creating healthy employment environment and spiritual culture construction, but also persist the idea “innovation, cooperation, thanksgiving” through the research, development and customer service, the product lifecycle. We also take part in social welfare and bailout activities, including support for Hope school and Ya’an post-earthquake reconstruction.
In the future, we will continue to devote to be a brand leader in Wuzhou gems industry and provide professional services for global customers.