泰国会议展览局(Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau ,简称TCEB)於本(103)年6月17日至21日偕同泰国Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna等7所大学会展教育科系代表等一行25人来台与台湾会展公、协会、大学院校以及外贸协会进行交流。该团并於6月19日拜访外贸协会参观台北南港展览馆、台北国际会议中心及台北世贸展览馆等展馆,并拜会叶明水副秘书长,双方亦针对会展教育进行深入意见交流与讨论。fZC泰国展会服务平台
本次泰国学术交流团来台主要行程包括6月18日与中华民国展览暨会议商业同业公会(TECA)及中华国际会议展览协会(TCEA)共同签署“学术交流计划”(Academic Exchange Programme,简称AEP)合作备忘录,扩大台湾与泰国双边合作架构,在教育上向下扎根。同时也和台湾的致理技术学院、德明财经科技大学、高雄餐旅大学、中华大学、铭传大学、德霖技术学院及台北城市科技大学等7所大学共同签订合作备忘录,期共同培训未来亚洲会展产业一流领导人才。fZC泰国展会服务平台
在签约仪式上。TCEB会展专业能力发展部部长Ms. Nichapa Yoswee 表示:「随著泰国政府大力推动会展產业,TCEB非常重视会展业区域整合以及产业标準的建立。能够与台湾结盟,并且建立会展產业教育合作架构,我们深感荣幸。我们非常有信心,这次的“学术交流计划”(AEP) 一定能培养出专业会展从业人员。」fZC泰国展会服务平台
Taipei / 18 June 2014 – The Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (Public Organization), or TCEB, together with the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), Taipei Exhibition & Convention Association (TECA) and Taiwan Convention & Exhibition Association (TCEA) have announced a plan to expand their MICE cooperation framework to encompass the educational arena through a bilateral ‘Academic Exchange Programme’ (AEP).
The purpose of the AEP is to establish an inclusive foundation in Thailand and Taiwan for creating future MICE leaders in Asia. Seven Taiwanese universities today signed an MoU with TCEB, TAITRA, TECA and TCEA, including Chihlee Institute of Technology, Takming University, National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism, Chung-Hua University (HsinChu City), De Lin Institute of Technology, Taipei Chengshih University of Science and Technology, and Hsing Wu University.
At the MoU Signing Ceremony, Mr. Chiruit Isarangkun Na Ayudhaya, Vice President, Administration and Strategic Support, Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (Public Organization) or TCEB, revealed that “As the Thai government’s official flagship body for the MICE sector, TCEB is keenly aware of the importance of regional cooperation to enhance and develop standards within the MICE industry. We are therefore proud to be joining hands with Taiwanese allies to establish a framework for exchange and collaboration in MICE education. We are confident that the Academic Exchange Programme will provide the perfect vehicle to educate present and future generations of MICE professionals.”