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2015 年 3月27~29日 2015 東盟自由貿易區博覽會泰國 曼谷 IMPACT
นิทรรศการการค้าเสรี อาเซียน 2015 เมืองทองธานี Muang Thong Thani Bangkok Thailand 1st RCEP Exposition 2015 1st Regional Comprehensive Economic Partner Exposition


1st RCEP Exposition 2015qD2泰国展会服务平台
2015 東盟自由貿易區博覽會qD2泰国展会服务平台
1st Regional Comprehensive Economic Partner ExpositionqD2泰国展会服务平台
泰國 曼谷 IMPACTqD2泰国展会服务平台
Muang Thong Thani Bangkok ThailandqD2泰国展会服务平台
2015 年 3月27~29日


  標準展位:4000USD / 9 平方米 包含場地租金和稅金,地毯,展牆,公司名稱楣板,二張桌子,三把椅子,展位元照明,電源插座一個,廢紙婁一個。qD2泰国展会服务平台
光地展位: 300USD/ 1 平方米 36SQM起租。不提供任何展具和設施。 qD2泰国展会服务平台
1, 巴士接送qD2泰国展会服务平台
2, 展会期间标准展厅2位午餐qD2泰国展会服务平台
3, 展会结束备有答谢晚餐一次qD2泰国展会服务平台
4, 参加泰国旅游(如不参加可退还人民币500元)qD2泰国展会服务平台
5, 提供参展商(标准厅)qD2泰国展会服务平台
6, 不含机票和住房(可帮助预订)qD2泰国展会服务平台
与泰华网平台合作,起到协助推广作用,扩大信息范围 。qD2泰国展会服务平台
1, 更好的完善参展企业信息保存qD2泰国展会服务平台
2, 尽可能提供东盟各国参展企业qD2泰国展会服务平台
3, 提供参展商需要发展的其它资讯


  東盟十國同處東南亞及太平洋地區,具有發展經濟貿易關係的良好條件;東盟內部市場廣大,人口眾多,經濟貿易合作潛力巨大,前景廣闊。特別是東盟內部一體化進程的加快,實現了零關稅稅率, 從而有力推動了多邊進出口貿易的增長,為相互投資和貿易往來創造了更多機會。 qD2泰国展会服务平台

東盟加6國區域面積約為2550萬平方公里,總經濟規模接近20萬億美金,消費人口約為34億。根據國際貨幣基金組織公佈的資料,這16國的總體經濟規模約占世界經濟總量的27%.雖然小於納入日本、墨西哥、加拿大的T PP談判參與國的總體經濟規模(24.9082萬億美元),但這個大經濟圈將囊括世界經濟增長中心的亞洲各國。 與北美自由貿易區(NAFTA),歐盟(EURIPEAN UNION)並列為世界三大區域經濟組織。qD2泰国展会服务平台
  201511日起,東盟自由貿易協定將正式生效,屆時,貿易區內95%以上的商品將實現零關稅。此舉將大大提高貿易區內的多變及雙邊貿易額。 qD2泰国展会服务平台
  本展會為綜合類展會,內設國家館, 每個國家館均有明確的參展主題,主題有參展國組織者與展會主辦商議決定。qD2泰国展会服务平台
  通過展覽,將實現以下目標:國家形象展示, 促進文化交流和旅遊發展, 推動經濟發展及提高參展國的貿易與投資額。



Extensive marketing campaign to ensure the prospective buyer coming to you
TV and radio report          
Promotion by internet advertisement
Invitation distributors by mail and email 
Press conference and press distribution
Call center for comprehensive visitor invitation
News and advertisement on news and magazines
Official delegation from related industry associations.
Order space reach to 36sqm, we will present the advertisement on news and magazines. Arrange meeting with higher position government officer and famous person to establish a good relationship between exhibitor and Local VIP.

The area of RCEP near about 2550sq.km, its overall scale economies near to 20 trillion USD, totally population near about 3.4 billion. according to the estimation from IMF, RCEP overall scale economies share 27% on the world market, although less than TPP including Japan, Canada, Mexico( USD 24.9082 trillion ), but it is contained economic increasing countries located in southeast Asia. It is one of three biggest international economic organizations on the world compare with NAFTA and European Union.
At the beginning of 2015, ASEAN free trade agreement should to be come in to force, near about 95% goods will to be zero rates for import and export during the inner ASEAN. It is should increase the multi and double trade volume between countries.
1st RCEP exposition is comprehensive event, but set up national pavilion,
Every national pavilion should be having specific topical, will consideration and discussion by event organizer and national exhibition agent. 
Through this big feast, will reach to target as here as below:
National image display, promote culture communication and travel development. push forward economics development including trade and investment volume.

BITEC’s world-class, state-of-the-art facilities coupled with our comprehensive services encompass the best of traditional Thai warmth and hospitality. Since opening its doors in 1997, BITEC has been selected by a host of international organisers as the venue for their international trade exhibitions, world congresses, and a wide variety of MICE events.

It is certain that in a few years time, BITEC will be adding additional event halls and meeting facilities, with at least another 20,000 sq.m. of exhibition space in the next phase of expansion. Studies are being conducted to also add suitable components in the expansion such as a hotel, office building, retail plaza, and park and ride facilities.

BITEC is only a leisurely 15 minutes drive from the new Suvannabhumi International Airport. BITEC’s close proximity to the Port of Bangkok, LaemChabang deep-sea port and the Eastern Seaboard industrial zone ensures a clear advantage for the rapid movement of exhibits to and from the Centre. Moreover, there is indoor and outdoor parking space for 4,700 vehicles within BITEC – 1,680 cars indoor, 3210 snatur and 3,020 cars outdoor. Plus dedicated marshalling areas for coaches and delivery trucks.

As the basic industry contributed to the Thailand national economy, chemicals industry’s development is closely related to the development of other industries involved in agriculture, textile, pharmaceuticals, food, construction and sanitation.

Thailand has forged close economic cooperation with the countries all over the world to be accessible to the chemical raw materials which are badly needed in this country.

Sales Brochure 

1: Shell scheme: USD 4000/ per booth ( 9 sqm )
includes: Wall panels;lighting; power point;one information counter;one table; Three folding chairs; wastebasket ;Fascia board with
company’s name carpet

2: Space only : USD 300/ per sqm ;(minimum 36 sqm)

3: Show directory advertising:
Full page color advertisement : USD 1500
Half page color advertisement : USD 1000

2017年2月15-19日 第20届泰国国际旅
2017年2月11-19日 泰国曼谷博览会 (Ba
2017年2月10-14日 日本博览会 (泰国) J

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